About me

My favorite poem is “Dreams” by Langston Hughes. Listen to him reading it here.

While living in Virginia, I dreamed of moving to Arizona, and was able to live in Tempe for three years with my husband Alvaro Ibañez, our youngest daughter, and a large art collection. 

I enjoyed the experience of blogging and living in a different environment while in Arizona, but we realized that we can never replace our home outside of Kilmarnock Virginia. Our dream of a retreat center for creative continues, and in spring 2020 we began hosting events to promote local writers. See more on Facebook.

While living in Arizona, I began writing a novel set in rural Virginia, and now that I’ve completed it, I’m writing a sequel set in Arizona. Some of my writing also mentions my home state of Colorado. I’m also living in two times, as I attempt to recreate the Great Depression through fiction inspired by the Wharton film restoration project.

Learn more about my books on my Author page, follow me on social media, or see “The Spec,” a home for my speculative writing.


  1. Thanks for following my “Morning Meditations” blog which is where I express myself theologically. For my purely creative writing, it’s “Powered by Robots” (click the link of my name to get there). Yes, I’m multi-faceted.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was a native southerner transplanted to the north – early on so that I am not really a southerner… by practice.
    I’ve had relatives who lived in AZ, – I live in IN for a time and that seemed like AZ in the summers.

    Now I’m back north – With an average of three months of each season. Yes I’ve been told the seasons change in both long heated and colder climates… Continues success in your writing.

    I’ll bookmark your place 🙂 I attempt to be organized by having having three active blogs. The one for Carrot Ranch… most often but not always is here: https://julesinflashyfiction.wordpress.com/

    Cheers, Jules


  3. Hi Denise…..July- 20- 2018 This is ines….you did a great job today at our reading class….no one does it better then you.
    my blessings hope you continue doing them….you do great…and no one writes better then you…
    Love you ines…..


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